Halley’s scintillation

The entrances are materialized by some large trays covered with Temmoku, a black enamel star-studded with small silver and shiny dots in reference to the winter solstice.

Seaweed and froth desserts

Transition sequence with a modular tableware game evoking waves, seaweeds and can accommodate products from the sea.

Soups in a crown

Derived from Roman traditions and celebrations for the winter solstice, wheels or crowns symbolized the victory of light over darkness. The circular shape is taken again to make it a table service dedicated to the tasting of soups.

Le réveil de Mithra

Originally, December 25 celebrated the sun god Mithra that appeared suddenly from a rock or a cave to announce the return of the sun. Founding myth that inspires the whole of containers made of basins anchored in the table and topped with mountain lids.

In parallel with the volcanic activity and the surge of molten materials from the rock, the artists conceive a gushing of small golden pieces which fall back on the tablecloth, in plates and dishes.

Frost dessert

Transition sequence alluded of ice and snow with parts already made, the plate Siphon and glasses and carafe of the Stalactite Bar. These are complemented by small containers designed for frozen desserts. These are complemented by small containers designed for frozen desserts.

Fire log

A pagan ritual is the origin of the dessert in the shape of a log A large piece of wood that was consumed throughout the end-of-year evening and whose ashes were supposed to bring luck and happiness for the new year to come. A real log will be presented on a kind of tray in segments of brown sandstone.

From the winter solstice to the icy log, the different themes covered evoke cyclical renewal and rebirth.
Christmas in Fontevraud, le grand réfectoire, Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, France, 2018


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44100 Nantes – France


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